Friday, July 6, 2007

Negro representa pecado

Today we are going to talk about the color black. Black represents sin. Who has heard of the word sin before? Sin is that things that seperates us from God. God is our father, who created us. A very long time ago, God created the entire world. Genesis tells us about how God created the earth, and the ocean, and the skyw, and he created day and night, and plants. God created all these things and saw that they were good. And then God created man. He blessed man and gave him power over all the plants and animals on the earth. And every day God and man walked together in peace. Soon God saw that it was not good for man to be alone, so he created a mutual helper; a woman. God put man and woman in a beautiful garden, where they could walk and work and eat from all the plants. They had everything they needed, and were at peace with God. God gave man and woman freedom to eat from any tree in the garden; all but one. He told then to not eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If they did eat of it, it would bring about death. The tempter came and questioned Gods words. Then the woman and the man agreed with the tempter, that they to could, and should have this knowledge over their lives. They disobeyed and ate the fruit. Because they disobeyed God, they were cast out of the garden and out of his presence. This was the begining of sin for mankind, man and womans desire to take God's place. As a result of sin, much pain entered into the world. People lie, cheat, and steal. People hurt eachother, some people kill. Friends lie to eachother, boyfriends and girlfriends; husbands and wives are unfaithful. They lose their trust. People rebel against their parents and their teachers. We hurt and cry, and finally, people die. Sin has caused all kinds of pain in our lives and has seperated us from God. Sin is living in darkness, far from God. That is why we use the color black to represent the darkness. All people live in a state of sin, in a world of darkness. All people live in a state of sin, in a world of darkness and pain; away from God's love and peace. God created us, and wants us to be with him. We removed ourselves from paradise, and put ourselves far from God. But he has created new paradise for us, and a way to get there. A way to be close again, a place of joy and peace with him. Their is an answer God has for us. And we are going to talk about that next week.
This is the first message I have ever taught in Spanish. I am so thankful that 30 minutes before I left to teach chapel at my school in Pascuales, a translator fell into my lap.
The children watched me with a strange curiosity as I spoke. Maybe it was my white skin, or my blue eyes...or how quickly and intensly I spoke at them in english. But they ran up to me afterwards, and climbed on me and played with me, and looked into my soul begging for love.
There are two boys that have captured my heart here in Ecuador. They are brothers and I have never seen their parents. Jose is 11 and Francisco is 5. They are in different classes, but by far are the most disobedient, the kids who are rude and talk out of turn and always are making trouble. Francisco is sick alot, and Jose does not want me to know that he wants me to hug him or be kind to him. But I know he does. I love these two boys. Who are so apparently hurt by life. They carry this sense of distrust and rebellion, but at the same time such a vulnerablity to someone who might genuinly care for them. Francisco is not old enough to not trust me...Jose seems to have learned quickly the way people are. I am sure he has seen and felt sin in his life. That is why I think hew is so interested in an answer to it. There is something more for him, there is joy and healing....there is an answer, and there is love. Unconditional, completly radical and overwhelming love. for him, for Francisco, for me.
If you can, pray for these boys. Next Friday I will be telling them about who Jesus is, and what it means that he died. Rojo representa la santidad de Cristo...y esparanza y paz, y eternidad

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